Integrated Ecosystems Management and Restoration of Forests in the South East Coast Project

Published: 12/16/2020 9:36:14 AM


GEF 6  - Integrated Ecosystems Management and Restoration of Forests in the South East Coast Project


The Government of Saint Lucia through the Department of Sustainable Development (Ministry of Education, Innovation, Gender Relations and Sustainable Development) is inviting suitably qualified consultants to submit tenders for a consultancy to undertake an Assessment of Terrestrial Resources in the South East Coast.

Project Location

The South East Coast of Saint Lucia extending from Mandele Point in Dennery to Laborie is the project area and the focus of this Terms of Reference.



1.1 Integrated Ecosystem Management and Restoration of Forests on the South East Coast of Saint Lucia project is aimed at developing ecosystems management systems and practices, restoring productive landscapes and enabling sustainable socio-economic development by creating avenues for sustainable livelihood in the communities in the South East Coast region of the island. The main problem that the project seeks to address is the lack of integrated protection hectares and sustainable management of ecosystems. This area encompasses some of the island’s dry forest ecosystems namely; the Mandele Dry Forest which is critical to the continued survival of some of its threatened endemic species and sub-species such as the White-Breasted Thrasher, Saint Lucia Oriole, Saint Lucia Black Finch, the Saint Lucia Pewee, the Antillean Euphonia, Bridled quail dove, Grey Trembler, three hummingbird species and possibly the Rufous Nightjar. (Bird Life International, 2018). Other non- bird biodiversity that can be found in this area are the agouti, the boa constrictor and the fer-delance. Point Sables, another key biodiversity area found in the South East Coast is approximately 774 hectares and is home to at least thirty-two bird species (cite Robert L Norton 1989), five endemic species of herpetofauna, two of which are only found in Saint Lucia. They are The Saint Lucia racer and the Saint Lucia whiptail. 


1.2 Main threats to these existing ecosystems include natural disasters, charcoal production, mining, habitat modification and destruction. The island’s vulnerability to natural disasters such as hurricanes and storms may have catastrophic effects on the natural resources of the area. Charcoal production by the Aupicon Charcoal production Group contributes to increases in emissions of greenhouse gases and the most commonly stated impact is deforestation. 


1.3 Mining and quarrying activities result in the discharge of chemicals and industrial waste into the environment.  Lastly, habitat change is occurring at a rapid rate and is expected to increase even further in the future with the projected increases in hotels, housing, infrastructure and other developments that may negatively impact dry forest areas.  


1.4 The application and expansion of these interventions in the South East Coast, particularly concerning long-term sustainability have been impeded by inadequacies within the wider policy and institutional environments that do not adequately allow for the mainstreaming of these interventions beyond the realm of “project-driven, site-specific” actions. Further, the mechanisms for the implementation of appropriate and “fit-to-purpose” sustainable land and water management and biodiversity conservation interventions have remained outside of traditional government programmes and budgets and as a result, these remain some areas of key concern in the South East Coast:


1.4.1 Land Use Planning: Absence of planned, guided and managed development of all types (residential, agricultural, touristic and access) which takes into account ecosystem goods and services.

1.4.2 Safeguarding of Key areas: Lack of measures to safeguard key areas of global and national significance such as forests and coastal and marine ecosystems which also take into account national development needs.   

1.4.3 Continuity: Lack of follow up or financing for completed biodiversity assessment and priority setting exercises.

1.4.4 Sustainable replacements: Lack of sustainable options to reduce pressures on ecosystem services and goods.


1.5 Under its sixth replenishment funding cycle (GEF6) The Global Environment Facility provided funding to the Government of Saint Lucia through the Ministry of Sustainable

Development as project Executing Agency, to implement a project entitled ‘Integrated Ecosystems Management and Restoration of Forests of the South East Coast’, which focuses on Land use planning; Safeguarding of key areas; Continuity and Sustainable replacements.  The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the project Implementing Agency. The project aims to address these concerns in three distinct components with an accompanying overarching Project Management and Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) system: 

Component 1:  Ecosystems Management - as applied to South East Coast.   

Component 2:  Rehabilitated or Restored Landscapes 

Component 3:  Sustainable Livelihoods - Enhanced Capacity for the production of biodiversity-friendly goods and services in inland forest and coastal communities (National with emphasis on the South East Coast).  


1.6 Overall, the GEF intervention will build on the existing legal framework to develop appropriate supporting regulations and guidelines which integrate environmental sensitivities, priorities and sustainable management options in forest, coastal and marine ecosystems.  In the absence of a national land use plan, the assessment of terrestrial resources for an area of critical global significance would constitute an incremental building block to move towards this overarching goal.  Without the GEF intervention the high biodiversity, priority forest, and marine areas of the South East Coast would continue to be degraded and imperiled by initiatives from individuals, community residents and developers that fail to take into account local, national and global environmental considerations.   


1.7 Building on anti-poverty initiatives, GEF support will permit testing of innovative sustainable use of biodiversity resources. Of particular emphasis is the opportunity to integrate biodiversity concerns and sustainable land use options into the forthcoming development scenario for the South East Coast (highway, tourism development).


2.1. The overall objective of this consultancy is to undertake a Baseline Assessment of the terrestrial Biological Resources in the South East Coast of Saint Lucia to improve the framework for protected areas management in the project area, particularly in areas of high biodiversity value and threat. 

2.2. The Purpose of the consultancy is the Assessment of Terrestrial   Resources in the South East Coast to establish a foundation for effective management of existing and new protected areas in the South East Coast. This will be achieved through participatory research that takes into account the provisioning and accounting of ecosystem goods and services and the development of sustainable management options in terrestrial and forest ecosystems in the South East Coast.  

2.3.   Results to be achieved by the Consultant 

2.3.1 Results to be achieved include defining specific costed activities, which relate to the following: 

  1. Improved Sustainable management planning for the South East Coast incorporates considerations for biodiversity conservation in terrestrial, forest, coastal and marine ecosystems. 
  2. Groundwork to underpin sustainable management of landscapes and seascapes that integrate biodiversity conservation in the South East Coast regional level is enhanced through the generation of new data and information/development of TORs. 
  3. At least one Terrestrial Protected Area identified within the project area with the elements of a management plan developed.
  4. Possible innovative sustainable financing modalities identified for conservation and socio development in the South East Coast Region

The consultancy is also expected to give due consideration to the activities under Component two (Rehabilitated or Restored Landscapes) to facilitate synergy-building and enhanced project effectiveness.

  2. 1 The Consultant will employ a participatory approach at all phases of the assignment, to derive wherever possible the necessary synergies from tasks/activities, that will allow for all the stakeholders and beneficiaries to be involved in the formulation and description of the document. 
  3. 2 The Consultant will undertake focus group discussions (FGDs), one-on-one meetings/interviews, local community groups consultations and brief online surveys, as needed, for information gathering in the preparation, completion, validation and finalization of the Baseline Assessment Report and other related documents.


4.1 The Consultant, in conjunction with technical personnel from all relevant government agencies including but not limited to, the Departments of Fisheries, Forestry and the Biodiversity and Coastal Zone Unit of the Department of Sustainable Development and other counterpart agencies; including amongst others, the Saint Lucia National Trust, will be expected to;

  1. Undertake a comprehensive baseline assessment of the terrestrial ecosystem in the project area.
  2. Develop costed activities for key elements for the establishment of an overarching biodiversity/protected areas management plan
  3. Identify and determine management interventions and implementation mechanisms for terrestrial areas in the South East Coast 
  4. Identify possible sustainable financing modalities for the South East Coast.

The Department of Sustainable Development, in conjunction with the Departments of Forestry and Fisheries is expected to be the major player in the technical management of this consultancy assignment.

4.2   Specific responsibilities 

The consultant will be responsible for contributing to the development of Component one and two of the project, including: 

a. Consolidating electronically any documents that will serve to enhance the baseline knowledge base for the project Component1’s preparation and implementation.

In consultation with staff from relevant counterpart government agencies, organize and lead consultations with stakeholders resulting in the detailed development of the following activities detailed in Section 4.3.

4.3.   Scope of Services

Key Activities

4.3.1 Task 1: Prepare the Work Plan and Inception Report

1. Conduct inception meetings with the Contracting Authority and partners upon commencement of the project to (i) review the process for conducting all activities within the project, (ii) determine roles and responsibilities, (iii) discuss the basis on which this work will be implemented, and (iv) finalize the work plan and timetable. A draft work plan and report on the outcome of the inception meeting will be prepared by the Consultant and submitted to the client no later than two weeks from the commencement of the consultancy.

i. Comments in response by the Contracting Authority and partners should reach the Consultant no later than ten days after receipt of the Draft Inception Report and Work Plan. ii. Submit Final Inception Report with comments included within 1 week of receipt of comments.

4.3.2 Task 2: Conduct a Biophysical Inventory of the Southeast Project Area

Component 1: Ecosystem Management

Output 1.1: A monitoring and information system is in place to support sustainable ecosystem management and scientific capacity of stakeholders

Activity 1.1.1:  – Baseline Assessment of Biological Resources (High-value species, ecosystem services and habitats (page 81)

1. Biophysical Assessment – Conduct a biophysical assessment of the project site to identify all terrestrial ecosystems, vegetation communities, all terrestrial flora and fauna species, and determine the level of degradation that has taken place over the project area. Fauna should be categorized by taxonomic groups such as mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, crustaceans, insects, etc.

  1. Identify and describe all terrestrial forest ecosystems, vegetation types and forest communities, and also identifying the associated threats to the ecosystems.
  2. Conduct field surveys of terrestrial fauna, taxonomic groups of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, crustaceans and insects]
    1. List all species and identify those that are or may be globally, regionally and/ or locally threatened
    2. Identify all regionally and locally endemic species.
  3. Provide Information on the status of fauna species existing within the proposed site.

This information should include: 

  1. Species of concern due to low population sizes, low distribution or have not been confirmed seen for at least 20 years.
  2. Existing and potential threats to species of priority concern, such as endemic species (both local and regional).
  3. Status of the habitat to fauna species of concern.
  4. Mitigative measures that can be taken to reduce threats to fauna species


  1. Conduct field surveys of terrestrial flora, to assess the forest condition across the project area
    1. List all species and identify those that are or may be globally, regionally and/ or locally threatened. ii. Identify all regionally and locally endemic species

iii. Collect data for calculating carbon stocks for the project area

  1. Determine the level of degradation or disturbance that has occurred to the forest ecosystems, due to development, agriculture, deforestation for other purposes (charcoal, etc)
  2. Develop and Establish monitoring protocols for medium to long term monitoring of fauna and flora species of high priority 
  3. Identify invasive species of both flora and fauna species for the project area and discuss management recommendations for addressing them
  4. Provide costing and methodology of the Bio-physical assessment
  5. Data collected from the bio-physical assessment should be passed on to the GIS and Land Planner 

4.3.3. Task 3.  Identification of at least one area suitable for the establishment of a Terrestrial Protected Area

Output 1.2: Two (at least 1 marine and 1 terrestrial) new protected areas are designated along with relevant connecting corridors, and protected species are officially recognized in gazette Regulations and Orders (est 4,000 ha) “….proposed terrestrial protected area encompasses approximately 25% of the Point Sable Key Biodiversity Areas and approximately 60% of the Mandele Dry Forest Key Biodiversity Areas” (KBAs) [page 44 of project document]”


Activity 1.2.1:  – Delineate and Legally designate at least one  terrestrial managed areas and associated connecting corridors (page 81 of the Project Document)

  1. From the information gathered and from community consultations identify at least one Terrestrial Protected Area which could be designated as a protected area.
  2. Provide methodology and develop costed activities for key elements for the establishment of an overarching biodiversity/protected areas management plan, 
  3. Outline steps, plans and processes of developing that Protected Area
  4. Data from Task 2 should be passed on to the GIS Management Consultant and Land Use Planner
  5. Design a clear road map to declare the protected area

4.3.4 Task 4: Identify possible innovative sustainable financing mechanisms modalities in the areas of the South East Coast to advance sustainable conservation of terrestrial resources within the area

a. Through consultations with community residents, leaders, entrepreneurs and other stakeholders, provide technical inputs and recommend possibilities for investment, or livelihood opportunities that will be used in the development of sustainable financing mechanisms for economic development and conservation of terrestrial ecosystems in the South East Coast

4.3.5  Recommendations 

  1. The selected Consultant will be required to advise on the final scope of works and deliverables to ensure that the consultancy meets the objectives of the project and its components.
  2. The Consultant will be expected to comment on the Terms of Reference and recommend potential refinements where necessary, including making such recommendations as deemed appropriate to enhance the quality of the assignment and outputs


The proposed consultancy will have the following deliverables: 


Due Date after Contract


Task 1: Inception Report and Work Plan: 


Draft Inception Report and a detailed Work Plan 


2 weeks 

Comments in response, by Contracting Authority and partners, should reach the Consultant no later than ten (10) days after receipt of


Final Inception Report which will incorporate comments from Contracting Authority and relevant partners.

5 weeks

TASK 2: Conduct a Biophysical Inventory of the Southeast Project Area


Submit draft report on Bio-Physical Inventory

25 weeks

Submit final report on Bio-Physical Inventory

28 weeks 

Task 3. Submit Report on the identification of

30 weeks

Terrestrial Protected Areas 


Task 4. Submit Report on identification of Sustainable Financing Opportunities


   Submit draft Report -Sustainable Financing 

32 weeks

   Submit Final Report – Sustainable Financing

34 weeks

Task 5: Closeout Report

36 weeks 


6.1 Reporting 

The Consultant will report to the National Project Co-ordinator who will provide the necessary linkages and backstopping along with the GEF 6 – Integrated Ecosystems Management and Restoration of Forests of the South East Coast –Project Steering Committee (PSC) comprising representatives of key agencies.   

6.2 Place of work: The consultant will be based in his/her personal offices, but will be accommodated at the offices of the Department of Sustainable Development when necessary.  

6.3 Travel: The assignment will not require travel outside Saint Lucia.  


7.1 General qualifications 

i. Postgraduate degree in Biological Sciences, Forest Management, Wildlife Management, Environmental or Natural Resources Management, or related field, with at least 3 years’ experience in forest biodiversity management, with particular focus on birds, amphibians and reptiles


ii. Bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences, Forest Management, Wildlife Management, Environmental or Natural Resources Management, or related field, with at least 6 years’ experience in forest biodiversity management, with particular focus on birds, amphibians and reptiles

7.2 Experience and ability

  1. Ability to build strong relationships with national consultants and stakeholders, to focus on impact and results for the client, to respond positively to critical feedback, and a consensus-oriented approach to work 
  2. Have sound knowledge and wide experience in the development and use of participatory approaches in natural resources management. 
  3. Knowledge, experience and understanding of the development planning and land management issues in small island developing states, and in particular the Caribbean Region and Saint Lucia. 
  4. Knowledge and experience of the GEF and/or its associated Conventions would be an asset. 
  5. Experience in developing strategies and initiatives utilizing fieldwork and research work to respond to environmental and natural resources management challenges 
  6. Working knowledge, experience and proficient in the use of Microsoft Office including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
  7. Ability to conduct research and analysis with strong synthesis skills
  8. Highly developed interpersonal, negotiation and teamwork skills, and a networking aptitude.
  9. Ability to work in complex, multi-stake-holder project environments.  
  10. Track record of involvement in similar exercises using participatory and consultative processes in the development of sustainable management plans. 

7.3 Languages 

  • Excellent command of written and spoken English. 
  • Familiarity with the local language, Kweyol. 

8.0 Timeframe of Consultancy

The Consultant will be contracted for a period of 9 months

9.0 Submission 

9.1 A complete proposal consisting of separate technical and financial proposals must be contained in individually sealed envelopes and must be placed inside a sealed outer envelope. The sealed outer envelope containing submissions should be marked “CONFIDENTIAL”

“Proposal - Consultancy Services for preparation of the Baseline Assessment for GEF 6 –

Integrated Ecosystems Management and Restoration of Forests of the South East Coast – Terrestrial Ecologist.” The envelope should not contain company logos or the consultant’s name. 

9.2 The envelope containing the technical proposals must be marked “TECHNICAL PROPOSAL- Consultancy Services GEF 6 – Integrated Ecosystems Management and

Restoration of Forests of the South East Coast – Terrestrial Ecologist.”  

9.3 The envelope containing the financial proposals must be marked “FINANCIAL PROPOSAL- Consultancy Services for - GEF 6 – Integrated Ecosystems Management and

Restoration of Forests of the South East Coast – Terrestrial Ecologist.

Hard copies must be submitted to the following address by 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 12, 2021.

The Secretary

Central Tenders Board

Office of Director of Finance 

Ministry of Finance, Economic Growth, Job Creation,

External Affairs and Public Service

2nd Floor

Finance Administrative Centre

Pointe Seraphine, 




AND / OR soft copies must be emailed to by 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday January 12, 2021.


9.4 All queries must be emailed to:

9.5 Deadline for which questions can be asked is Monday December 28, 2020.

All information must be submitted in English. If the consultant chooses to submit hardcopies, 5 hard copies of the Submission must be received.

Ministry: Ministries/Ministry of Sustainable Development, Energy, Science and Technology