Upcoming launch of the COVID-19 digital vaccination certificate
Wednesday, December 22, 2021
by Ministry of Health

The Ministry of Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs in collaboration with the Division of Public Sector Modernization will be rolling out Saint Lucia’s COVID-19 Digital Vaccination Certificate Programme on December 29, 2021. All fully vaccinated individuals will be granted the opportunity to apply for their COVID-19 Digital Vaccination Certificate through the Government of Saint Lucia’s Digital Government Integrated Services Platform known as the digiGov.

The COVID-19 Digital Vaccination Certificate issued by the digiGov Platform is therefore the official national COVID-19 Certificate and will eventually replace the previously issued hard copy COVID-19 Vaccine Card given to you at the time of vaccination. This digital certificate can be stored on your digital devices, including mobile phones and tablets.

In addition, provisions are also in place for businesses and institutions to easily verify the authenticity of Saint Lucia’s COVID-19 Digital Vaccination certificate with greater security and privacy protection. This will assist with verifying an individual’s COVID-19 vaccination status when travelling or accessing facilities requiring proof of vaccination.

In the upcoming week, the public can look forward to the following activities leading up to the official launch of the digital certificate:

 Television commercials, explainer videos and public service announcements that will provide instructions on how to access and verify the COVID-19 Digital Vaccination Certificate on the digiGov

 Stakeholder engagement with public and private sector on December 28, 2021

 Television interviews with key officials

 A press conference on December 29, 2021 to mark the launch of the digital certificate

As you prepare for the official launch of the digital certificate, the Ministry of Health recommends that you have the following supporting documents (soft copy) available to facilitate with the application process: 1. Recent passport size photo 2. Your vaccine card (front and back) 3. Proof of ID - ID used at the point of vaccination (front and back) 4. Valid mobile phone and email address.

Businesses who require proof of vaccination from patrons will need access to a smart device with a QR code scanner (can be download on any smart device) and access to the internet. More information relating to how to access and use the digital certificate will be provided on all Ministry of Health’s communication channels.

The Ministry of Health thanks the general public for the continued support and will ensure your COVID- 19 Digital Vaccination Certificate is issued under safe and ethical conditions. The Ministry of Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs will continue to update the public on the Government owned COVID-19 Digital Vaccination Certificate.

If you require more information relating to the COVID-19 Digital Vaccination Certificate contact Ministry of Health at 468-5321 or via email community.health@govt.lc and an agent will be happy to assist you further.