Swiss ambassador presents credentials
Monday, October 10, 2022
by Neval Auguste, GIS

Saint Lucia recently welcomed His Excellency Mr. Jurg Sprecher, non-resident Ambassador Designate of Switzerland. He presented his credentials to His Excellency Mr. Cyril Errol Charles on Oct. 4.

HE Mr. Sprecher said his government is interested in Saint Lucia’s development and pledged his commitment to fulfilling his duties.

“My government follows with great interest the developments in your country and I have been charged to further enhance the excellent relations between our two governments and people,” he said, adding: “In another testimony of my government’s interest and commitment to the region I am also accredited to CARICOM as the Swiss representative to the Caribbean community—another important responsibility that I am fulfilling to the best of my ability.”

Governor General Cyril Charles made mention to the fact that Switzerland had proven reliable in areas where Saint Lucia has strong interests.

He said: “We wish to commend your government for continuing to make available the ‘Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships for Foreign Scholars and Artists’ and in this vein we would like to explore opportunities to benefit from your country’s scientific advances in areas such as forensic training including attachments at institutions and laboratories, along with scholarships, to pursue academic technical programs in other disciplines a priority to us.”

The Governor General added that Saint Lucia will seek technical solutions, resources, guidance and support from the wealth of knowledge that Switzerland harbours pertaining to health, food security, the lowering of carbon emissions, and disaster mitigation and management techniques.