Saint Lucia to celebrate International Francophonie Day
Thursday, March 4, 2021
by National Commission for UNESCO

Journée Internationale de la Francophonie (International Francophonie Day) will be celebrated by the Francophonie community on Saturday 20th March 2021.

Saint Lucia, as one of the 88 member states of the Francophonie, will join its regional and international counterparts in a celebration of their shared linguistic and cultural heritage, based on the French language. The month-long celebration also provides an opportunity to promote the French language and to advocate for policies and practices that encourage multilingualism and the acquisition of foreign language skills by students and indeed the public at large.

This year’s observance will be held under the theme ‘FEMMES FRANCOPHONES, FEMMES RESILIENTES’ (Francophonie Women, Resilient Women) to put the spotlight on the specificity of Women’s experiences in the context of crisis and to highlight the strength and resilience of women in these uncertain times.

The Office of the National Correspondence for the Francophonie, in collaboration with the Department of Education, the French Embassy to the OECS, the Alliance Française de Sainte-Lucie and the French Teachers’ Association, has planned a month-long programme of activities in observance of Francophonie Day 2021. These activities will target both schools and the general public and include the annual schools’ poetry and poster competitions, a round table discussion in observance of International Women’s Day, a special feature on Saint Lucian/Francophonie Women and a Creole Music Festival in collaboration with Chante Creole.

For more information on the programme of activities and to follow the various events and activities please consult the Facebook and Instagram pages of the Alliance Française de Sainte Lucie, as well as, the Facebook page of the Saint Lucia National Commission for UNESCO.

The National Committee for the Francophonie invites the general public to participate in this exciting programme of activities and calls on the support of all Saint Lucians in our efforts at promoting the ideals of the Francophonie and encouraging the development of multilingualism.