Saint Lucia Employers’ Federation urges businesses to strengthen security measures
Tuesday, December 17, 2024

The Saint Lucia Employers’ Federation stands in solidarity with the business community during this challenging time, as rising criminal activity poses signicant concerns for employers, employees, and patrons alike. Recognizing the seasonal increase in crime, the Federation proactively reached out to members and other employers earlier in the season, reminding them to exercise caution and emphasizing the importance of heightened security measures.

Despite these eorts, recent incidents have reminded us all of the critical need for vigilance. Therefore, we urge employers to revisit the Federation's recommendation, which include implementing effective security protocols to protect employees working in vulnerable situations, such as those conducting trade on the roads, and safeguarding business premises.

Now more than ever, we call on our members and all employers to work closely with law enforcement, to enhance safety measures and a secure environment for all. We also encourage citizens and patrons to exercise caution and remain vigilant during their daily activities.

The Federation remains committed to supporting its members and all employers in managing these challenges, and stands ready to provide further guidance. Please do not hesitate to contact us for assistance.