Saint Lucia and the United Kingdom of Spain strengthen their relationship
Thursday, July 28, 2022
by Jacques Hinkson-Compton, GIS

His Excellency Fernando Nogales Alvarez, the Ambassador-Designate of The United Kingdom of Spain to Saint Lucia presented his ambassadorial credentials to the Saint Lucia’s Head of State, the Governor General, H.E. Cyril Errol Charles. The diplomatic relationship between the two countries was forged in 1986.

H.E. Cyril Errol Charles expressed gratitude to the Spanish government for current and potential collaborations in commerce and healthcare.

“The government and the people of Saint Lucia are particularly grateful for the endorsement of your parliament to allow for changes in foreign policy to permit your country to assist us and our sub-region with vaccines at a time when they were most needed, despite your own hardships at home. For this gesture of kindness, we will always be grateful. Tourism contributes significantly to the GDP of both our countries and with travel restrictions in place for the past two years many of our citizens have been deprived unwittingly of earning a living at least not to accustomed levels. In the interest of greater co-operation between our two nations, this is one sector in which we can find common ground that will ensure our mutual development and growth. What is left is for our technocrats to address plans for national endorsement that would enable the sector to move seamlessly forward with the ultimate aim of realizing our pre-COVID positions on the world market. The key to success in all this reciprocity, your companies and products establishing a national presence while we are allowed under the EPA free access for our goods and services into the European Union, of which your country is an integral part, without the impediment of Technical Barriers.”

His Excellency Fernando Nogales Alvarez revealed the Spanish government donated over 400,000 COVID-19 vaccines to the countries of CARICOM. This made them the second largest donor to the region.

“The donation of the COVID-19 vaccine is only one of several health related activities in the region. Within recent months, we have partnered with the Caribbean Health Agency (CARPHA) and also with PAHO to undertake several other health related initiatives and events in the region. Additionally, there is a renewed impetus in Spain to develop trade linkages with this region. We would like to see a greater presence of products and companies. We believe that Spanish companies have much to offer to Saint Lucia and by extension the wider Caribbean markets.”

The Saint Lucian Governor General wishes the newly appointed Spanish Ambassador a rewarding tour of duty.