Roadmap to Recovery series to deliberate the economic empowerment of youth
Saturday, June 13, 2020
by GIS

The National Television Network continues with its series, COVID-19: Roadmap to Recovery. The topic for this Sunday's panel discussion will be: Investment and Business Opportunities - Part 2: Youth Economic Empowerment.

As Saint Lucia continues to chart the way forward with a focus on Economic Recovery, we zoom in on opportunities that exist to enable Youth Economic Empowerment and how COVID-19 has given rise to new modes of doing business.

We hear from government agencies who have the responsibility for creating the enabling environment; the education sector to discuss how programmes have adapted to align with the new economic reality; and a young investor affected by those policies.

The panel includes Lissa Joseph, Moderator; Dr. Keith Nurse, Principal, Sir Arthur Lewis Community College; Dave Headley, Project Coordinator Saint Lucia Business Incubator, Invest Saint Lucia; Sunita Daniel, Chief Executive Officer, Export Saint Lucia; and Darrion Louis, Managing Director at Shop D Caribbean. 

The panel of experts will discuss:

·       Impact of COVID-19 on the investment environment

·       Specific local investment opportunities for youth

·       How new modalities for business can help the economy rebound

·       Incubator programmes for startups

·       Challenges for youth investment

·       New focus in the education space to develop entrepreneurial skills

·       Export readiness and export opportunities

Tune in on Sunday, June 14 from 7 to 9 p.m.

Viewers are invited to tune in to the discussion live on NTN Channel 122, participaing media stations, or watch via Facebook, or YouTube, on the Government of Saint Lucia’s official social media pages.