The National Television Network continues with its series, COVID-19: Roadmap to Recovery. The topic for this Sunday's panel discussion will be: Investment and Business Opportunities - Part 2: Youth Economic Empowerment.
As Saint Lucia continues to chart the way forward with a focus on Economic Recovery, we zoom in on opportunities that exist to enable Youth Economic Empowerment and how COVID-19 has given rise to new modes of doing business.
We hear from government agencies who have the responsibility for creating the enabling environment; the education sector to discuss how programmes have adapted to align with the new economic reality; and a young investor affected by those policies.
The panel includes Lissa Joseph, Moderator; Dr. Keith Nurse, Principal, Sir Arthur Lewis Community College; Dave Headley, Project Coordinator Saint Lucia Business Incubator, Invest Saint Lucia; Sunita Daniel, Chief Executive Officer, Export Saint Lucia; and Darrion Louis, Managing Director at Shop D Caribbean.
The panel of experts will discuss:
· Impact of COVID-19 on the investment environment
· Specific local investment opportunities for youth
· How new modalities for business can help the economy rebound
· Incubator programmes for startups
· Challenges for youth investment
· New focus in the education space to develop entrepreneurial skills
· Export readiness and export opportunities