Presentation of the 2024 CSEC Results
Monday, September 2, 2024
by Ministry of Education

The Ministry of Education, Sustainable Development, Innovation, Science, Technology and Vocational Training congratulates all candidates who wrote the 2024 May/June CXC examinations. It is indeed a momentous period in their lives.

The performance of candidates at the 2024 Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) and the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate examinations (CSEC) have been analyzed.

CAPE: A total of 312 candidates wrote CAPE in 24 subject areas. Candidates achieved an overall pass rate of 96.56%. It is important to note that ten subjects obtained 100% pass in both Units 1 and 2 and in both genders. These subjects include Env. Science, French, Geography, Green Engineering, Information Technology, Management of Business, Physics, Sociology, Spanish, and Digital Media.

CSEC: A total of 2499 candidates were tested in 33 subjects at 23 testing centres. Candidates were tested at the General and Technical proficiency levels. Paper 1 of 31 subjects were done through e-testing. The pass rates for the individual subjects ranged from 43.56% to 100% with Mathematics having the lowest. Agricultural Science Double Award, Industrial Technology – Mechanical, and Religious Education all recorded 100% passes. Twenty-seven subjects obtained a pass rate of over 70%. Fifteen out of the 33 subjects recorded an increase in performance. Sixteen subjects recorded a decrease in performance. Industrial Technology -Mechanical, and Religious Education consistently obtained 100% passes for 2 years. The highest increase in performance of 11.71% was recorded in French. English A and Mathematics recorded increases of 1.08% and 1.06% respectively.

Saint Lucia’s overall performance is 75.3%. Saint Lucia has recorded an increase of 2.42% in the overall performance of candidates in 2024 when compared to performance in 2023. When the previous years are compared, there has been a steady increase from the dip in performance which was realized in 2022. This trend is also evident in English A and Mathematics performance.

It must be noted that Saint Lucia’s overall performance and also the overall performances in Mathematics and English A are higher than that of the region.



English A






Saint Lucia





In terms of gender comparison, females have dominated this year’s CSEC examinations. Males outperformed females in only five subjects namely Biology, Geography, Music, Principles of Business and Spanish.

Males and females both obtained 100% pass rate in Agricultural Science, DA, and Industrial Technology -Mechanical.

Several students would have attained passing grades for Mathematics and English A in previous CSEC sittings before they are ready to write their CSEC examinations in May/June of their 5th Form year. This therefore explains the fact that out of the 2499 candidates who wrote CSEC examinations in 2024, only 436 attained acceptable grades in 5 or more subjects including Mathematics and English A.

Generally, Saint Lucia has demonstrated a reasonable performance in the CXC examinations but much more is desired from candidates in order to improve on their personal performance, school performance and the nation as a whole.

On behalf of the Ministry of Education this note of thanks goes to the candidates for being studious and resilient, parents for exercising patience and providing support, teachers and schools for providing the conducive atmosphere for learning to take place. The support of the MOE staff especially IT Unit for assisting with the e-examinations, CAMDU, Communications Unit and the Educational Evaluation and Assessment Unit has always been an immeasurable one.
