The Bureau of Health Education within the Ministry of Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs is currently undertaking a series of hand hygiene educational sessions in various schools around the island aimed at sensitizing the young children about the importance of hand washing.
The initiative provides students with the opportunity to be educated in a fun and interactive way on the proper way to wash hands and gaining an appreciation for the benefits of hand washing.
Family Life Educator in the Bureau of Health Education Shirlan Edward spoke on the need to target the younger children to ensure they build healthy habits.
“We targeted that section of the population because we felt it was important because it is a bigger cross-section of the population. They are able to go to their homes and educate their parents and their care takers. They are more receptive to the information in learning and understanding. We are more able to teach and instill in them the proper hand washing practices and the purpose for hand washing especially now with the increase in COVID-19 cases, the infection rate is high, so we felt it fitting that we should target the schools.”
Family Life Educator in the Bureau of Health Education, Amelia Charles, says it is extremely important that children practice good hand washing behaviors. “Hand hygiene is very important when it comes to infection prevention and control. What happens is since our hands is our first point of contact when we speaking to people or when eating or various activities we engage in, we use our hands a lot. It is very important that we remind the little ones or we teach them the proper way of washing their hands. It is important that we remind the little ones or remind them of the many times they have to wash their hands and way it is important that they wash their hands.”
The hand hygiene educational activity in the schools is supported by the World Bank through the Health Systems Strengthening Project HSSP.