May 17 is observed as World Hypertension Day. The theme for this year is “Measure your blood pressure accurately, control it, live longer”.
Hypertension or High Blood Pressure is a serious condition. It increases the riskfor heart disease and strokes. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 1.13 billionpeoplehave hypertension and only 1 in 5 people with hypertension have it under control.
InSaint Lucia, an estimated 27% of adults have high blood pressure and only 1/3 of the people withhighblood pressure, who are registered within the primary health care system, have their bloodpressure under control.
Given the serious implications of high blood pressure and the fact that it is the most commonpreventable cause of cardiovascular disease, Saint Lucia, in collaboration withthePanAmerican Health Organization (PAHO), launched the HEARTS Initiative in the primarycareclinics. HEARTS provides a comprehensive and strategic approach to improving awareness, accurate measurement, management, and control of high blood pressure.
Over the past two years, despite the challenges faced by the COVID-19 Pandemic, health and non-health staff and patients have received training that has helped improve the overall management of high blood pressure and improved the number of persons who are aware of their condition.
The Ministry of Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs appeals to all Saint Lucians to know their blood pressure status, by checking regularly and documenting the results. Measurements must be done following the appropriate technique and using a validated blood pressure monitor.
Controlled hypertension results in significantly fewer deaths, disabilities, and events suchas heart attacks and strokes. High blood pressure can be controlled by changes in lifestyle and theuseofprescribed medicines called anti-hypertensives. Lifestyle changes include reducing mental stress, weight loss if overweight or obese, not smoking, reducing alcohol intake, increasing levelsofphysical activity, and eating a heart-healthy diet. High blood pressure is a chronic conditionandpeople may need help to manage their condition. The Ministry of Health has introducedtheSelf-Management Program which empowers people with hypertension and other chronic diseases. Registration for this program can be done at the nearest Wellness Centre.
The Government of Saint Lucia has approved the implementation of a process which will leadtoUniversal Health Coverage (UHC) and the management and treatment of hypertension will beanessential part of Phase one of the UHC. Additionally, the Commission for non-communicable diseases has been reactivated by Cabinet andactivities of the Commission will help to create even greater awareness.
Saint Lucians, remember that early death, disease and disability from high blood pressure canbeavoided. Take charge of your health. Visit the nearest Wellness Centre for bloodpressuremeasurements, nutritional counseling, or medical visits.
High blood pressure can kill. Take it seriously. Measure your blood pressure accurately, control yourblood pressure and live longer.