John Compton Dam dredging fee
Friday, September 11, 2015
by Jacques Compton, GIS
WASCO has requested an extension to the collection of the dredging fee that will be utilized solely for the purpose of dredging the John Compton Dam.

​The National Water and Sewerage Commission is reviewing WASCO’s request for an extension of the dredging fee.

The dredging fee amounts to 10.43 percent of the final tariff determination of 2013, and expired on Aug. 31, 2015.

Executive Director of the National Water and Sewerage Commission, Kelly Joseph, said the fee formed part of the 66.15 percent rate increase awarded to WASCO in 2013, and is utilized solely for the purpose of dredging the John Compton Dam.

“That amount was decoupled from the general tariff, and that amount is 10.43 percent; so what has been happening is that on a monthly basis WASCO will deduct 10.43 percent from each customer category and the money that is generated goes into a separate account that is fenced off from WASCO’s other operations.”

As part of the conditions for managing the dredging fee, the funds can only be used to finance the dredging of the dam and any request for the continuation of the fee beyond the triennial period must be justified by the utility company with documentary evidence to the Commission.

“Now WASCO has submitted an application for an extension to the 10.43 percent not to change the 10.43 percent, but rather instead of it expiring in August, that it would go beyond that period and at the moment we are giving due consideration to it.”

A draft decision will be circulated by the Commission for public comments and feedback.