The use of sea moss as an alternative food thickener and emulsifier is growing in popularity in Saint Lucia and around the world because it is naturally abundant in nutrients like vitamin K, iron, iodine, magnesium, and calcium.
Despite the product being in high demand, Saint Lucian producers face a number of challenges in expanding the market both domestically and internationally due to their limited capacity for product development.
It is against this backdrop that the St. Lucia Development Bank, one of the many sector organizations represented at the recent Sea Moss Fiesta hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture, currently offers a number of financing options for those looking to expand into the production of sea moss and its derivatives.
Business Development and Marketing Manager of SLDB, Philbert Francis, said the organization is dedicated to supporting the industry; confidently armed with a suite of services to assist farmers in expanding their capabilities and improving their output.
As sea moss cultivation continues to be a significant contributor to the income of many families in the southern communities, Minister for Agriculture, Hon. Alfred Prospere, said producers should capitalize on the available opportunities to improve their product quality as the sector’s success directly affects their livelihoods.
Recognizing the sea moss sector's current challenges, he explains that the ministry’s focus is on improving the marketing, branding, and the quality of sea moss products in order to meet the standards of a highly competitive international market.
The minister added that the agriculture ministry remains steadfast in its commitment to support capacity development, training, and financial assistance for existing and new sea moss growers, in order to raise their quality and capacity to create a thriving sea moss sector.