Higher education institutions boost economy
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
by Anthony Sammie, GIS
Many Saint Lucians directly benefit from the economic activity surrounding offshore education institutions.

Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Creative Industries, Sen. Dr. Kentry Jn. Pierre, said the establishment of higher education institutions in Saint Lucia is a new mode of foreign direct investment.

Such institutions, he said, have created several employment opportunities for Saint Lucians islandwide.

“We have lots of Saint Lucians employed as caterers, and renting houses for people who come to study in Saint Lucia," he said. "The transport drivers benefit from utilizing their vehicles and [others] directly benefit from the economic activity that surrounds higher education in Saint Lucia.”

He added that the opportunities are not only limited to economic possibilities, as offshore higher education is more affordable and easily accessible to locals.

“The cost of traveling overseas and dealing with all the [added] expenditure is extracted from the total cost of pursuing higher education," he explained. "The fact that you have an increase in the number of students actually coming into Saint Lucia to pursue higher education is also an indication that higher education institutions provide that boost for the tourism industry in Saint Lucia.”

The Offshore Higher Education Licensing and Incentives Bill also provides apartment owners, with incentives to offer boarding to students wishing to study at offshore education facilities.

The offshore higher education institutions currently operating in Saint Lucia are the Spartan Health Sciences University, the International American University (IAU), and the American International Medical University (AIMU).