High Commissioner-Designate of the Republic of India presents credentials
Tuesday, July 12, 2022
by GIS

His Excellency Shri S. Balachandran, High Commissioner-Designate of the Republic of India to Saint Lucia, presented credentials to Governor General Cyril Errol Melchiades Charles on July 11, 2022.

Ambassador Balachandran conveyed greetings from the President of the Republic of India, Hon. Ram Nath Kovind, and thanked Saint Lucia for being a partner in the global fight against climate change as a fellow signatory to the International Solar Alliance.

His Excellency Mr. Balachandran also made mention of COVID-19 and promised to work with Saint Lucia to face challenges caused by the pandemic; and to deliver on projects that are in line with Saint Lucia’s priorities.

“India and Saint Lucia enjoy cordial relations and interact in many multilateral forums. We view Saint Lucia as a fast-growing economy, a friendly partner, and an important gateway to CARICOM,” he said. “There is immense potential for increasing economic and commercial ties. We are hopeful for enabling mechanisms to help realize this potential.”

In response, the Governor General, His Excellency Mr. Charles acknowledged the potential to increase cooperation between the two countries, and thanked the Government of India for its assistance during COVID-19.

“Your Excellency, we thank you for recognizing the potential to increase economic and commercial cooperation between our countries. Our nation also wishes to express heartfelt thanks for the generous donations provided by the Government of India in the provision of personal protective equipment, pharmaceuticals, and a supply of AstraZeneca vaccines during the most critical phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, not only in Saint Lucia, but also in India and the rest of the world.”

Ambassador Balachandran stressed that India strongly believes in sharing expertise and technical know-how with international partners in order to contribute to skills development for the mutual benefit of both countries.

Governor General Errol Charles echoed this sentiment.

“Saint Lucia remains committed to deepening its engagement with the Republic of India and working together to address global challenges and threats which daunt the international community,” he said. “Your excellency, I wish you a rewarding tour of duty. Please convey to your President and people my best wishes for continued efforts at promoting peace and prosperity in this world.”