Government of Saint Lucia elects new Deputy Speaker of the House
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
by Geraldine Bicette- Joseph, GIS

At a Sitting of the House of Assembly held on March 19, Hon. Dr. Kenny D. Anthony, the Parliamentary Representative for Vieux Fort (south) was nominated, and further elected unopposed as Deputy Speaker of the House.

Prime Minister of Saint Lucia, Hon. Philip J. Pierre, on nominating Dr. Anthony commented on the government’s unwavering intention to uphold the constitution and ensure that the Deputy Speaker post is filled.

“It has always been the policy and the philosophical position, of the Government to follow the Constitution. We promised the electorate that when in government we would ensure that there is a Deputy Speaker. We kept our promise and we caused that promise to be put in the Constitution of Saint Lucia. The Deputy Speaker at that time, Hon. Jeremiah Norbert, was selected by me to be a Minister of Government and he had to resign from the Deputy Speaker position. I informed the public that at the next sitting of this Honorable House we would elect a new Deputy Speaker who may or may not be a Member of the House. It is my privilege to nominate Dr Kenny David Anthony as Deputy Speaker of the House.”

The amended Article 36 of the Constitution of Saint Lucia ensures that the Deputy Speaker position will never remain vacant and that the business of the people of Saint Lucia in the Lower House of Parliament is conducted in conformity with the Constitution and in alignment with the Standing Orders of the House of Assembly.