Digital Covid-19 Vaccination Certificate
Saturday, November 13, 2021
by Ministry of Health, Wellness & Elderly Affairs
The Ministry of Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs informs the public that it is in receipt of proposals from private organizations seeking permission to verify COVID-19 Digital Vaccination Certificates in Saint Lucia.

The Ministry of Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs informs the public that it is in receipt of proposals from private organizations seeking permission to verify COVID-19 Digital Vaccination Certificates in Saint Lucia. The Ministry of Health is aware of the sensitive nature of personal health records and has not endorsed nor collaborated with any private agency to share health records for the production of COVID-19 Digital Vaccination Certificates. Neither have they authorized the verification of such a Digital Certificate using a third party platform. Hence, persons are advised not to share their personal information with any private entity in the hope of being issued a COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate. The Ministry of Health is in an advance stage of rolling out the COVID-19 Digital Vaccination Certificate Programme on the DigiGov Platform, and we anticipate that it will be launched before the end of the year.

The public will be informed of the launching of this digital product, providing users with instructions on accessing the platform. Access to the platform allows users the ability to apply for and verify the Digital Vaccination Certificate. The Ministry of Health looks forward to making available your COVID-19 Digital Vaccination Certificate under safe and ethical conditions. The Ministry of Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs will continue to update the public on the Government owned COVID-19 digital vaccine certificate.