Amendment of Styrofoam and plastics phase-out implementation dates
Thursday, July 23, 2020
by Department of Sustainable Development

On Aug. 1, 2019 the Styrofoam and Plastics Food Service Containers (Prohibition) Act No. 22 of 2019 was enacted. The Act supports a ban on the importation of all Styrofoam and selected single-use plastic food service containers. According to the legislation the period expected for complete ban of these items would have taken full effect by Aug. 1, 2021.

In light of the current challenges and hindrances to trade caused by the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government of Saint Lucia in its people centric approach to policy making approved the deferment of the effective date for the complete ban to Aug. 1, 2022. This action was necessary for several reasons: (i) The current closure of manufacturing companies and suppliers of biodegradable and compostable containers. (ii) Difficulties experienced by importers in sourcing reasonably priced alternatives of suitable quality to those prohibited under the Act. (iii) The global slowdown in import and export activities; and (iv) The economic impact of partial and 24-hour shut-down of Saint Lucia which prevented companies from selling their remaining stock of the containers restricted in 2019.

In light thereof, the public is hereby informed of:

The continued use of existing stock, BUT NOT the importation of styrofoam and plastic items including hinged take away containers, disposable cups, plates, trays and bowls until July 31, 2021; the new effective date for the restrictions on the manufacturing, sale, distribution and use of the aforementioned effective Aug. 1, 2021; the new effective date for the ban on the importation of disposable plastic forks, spoons, knives, straws, hinged take-away containers and stirrers as of Aug. 1, 2021 and the further restriction  on their manufacturing, sale, distribution and use as of Aug. 1, 2022.

Minister with responsibility for Sustainable Development, Honourable Dr. Gale T.C Rigobert, champion to this cause, has indicated that she is increasingly pleased and encouraged by the level of involvement demonstrated by our importers and the public in ensuring the successful implementation of this initiative. The minister further pledges her government’s continued support towards the preservation of sustainable livelihoods for a better Saint Lucia.

The Act is available for download by the public on the National Printing Cooperation’s website.

 For more information, please contact the Department of Sustainable Development at telephone 468 5861/5863/5810.