Education Officer III – District V

Published: 7/22/2022 10:26:50 AM




The Ministry of Education, Sustainable Development, Innovation, Science, Technology and Vocational Training invites suitably qualified individuals to apply for the office of Education Officer III – District V.



Job Title:         Education Officer III

Department:         District V

Classification:         Grade 17

Reports to:         Chief Education Officer

Supervises:         Staff in the District Office and Principals of the respective district


  1. Liaises with the Permanent Secretary, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Chief Education Officer, Deputy Chief Education Officer - Instruction, Chief Planning Officer, Principals, Teachers, Students, representatives of denominational schools, Sir Arthur Lewis Community College, community groups and organizations, other Government Ministries and Donor agencies;


  1. Works in collaboration with the Chief Education Officer to ensure that schools are administered in a proper and efficient manner;


  1. Supervises and supports schools within the District and serves as liaison between the Department of Education and schools.



  1. Manages the District Education Office through monitoring and supervision of staff to ensure that the objectives of the District are met;


  1. Provides general supervision of instruction at schools by visiting each school at least twice per term to ensure effective delivery of the programme of instruction;


  1. Intervenes on matters which may impact negatively on instruction at schools by visiting each school at least twice per tem to ensure effective delivery of the programme of instruction;


  1. Advises principals on matters of school administration and organization by maintaining appropriate dialogue and providing the relevant support needed to ensure quality in the school system.


  1. Informs the Chief Education Officer of school issues and makes recommendations for action so that schools may operate more effectively;


  1. Assists schools in obtaining the necessary curricula, curriculum materials and other documents essential to the planning and effective delivery of instruction;


  1. Initiates, organizes and assists with the development and delivery of appropriate in-service and orientation training programmes for principals and staff to help strengthen the capacities to effectively manage instruction at schools;


  1. Develops, implements and evaluates a District Improvement Plan by collaborating with relevant stakeholders to ascertain that the District has strategic focus that will assist in achieving the Ministry of Education’s goals;


  1. Keeps a log of school visits, termly reports and annual progress reports on the officer’s programme of activities and submits to the Chief Education Officer for sound decision making;


  1. Assists principals in formulating and evaluating annual performance objectives and plans by providing guidance and making the necessary recommendations for school development and improvement;


  1. Co-ordinates annual performance reviews of schools within the District through dialogue with principals and staff and submits reports to the Chief Education Officer for informed decision making;


  1. Works closely with other team members to prepare annual budget for the District by incorporating the yearly activities in order to adopt a clear understanding of what the District intends to achieve;


  1. Advises the Ministry on resources and other material needs of schools to ensure that all schools have the required resources that will enhance the teaching/learning process resulting in greater student achievement;


  1. Harness support from the community for the further development of the school;


  1. Performs other duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Permanent Secretary, Chief Education Officer and Head of Department.



  1. Accommodation provided in the general administrative office;


  1. The processes of the Unit will be done on the basis of team work.  The officer will be expected to be an active team member who understands all the processes of the Unit;


  1. The officer will be required to maintain a high level of integrity, confidentiality, honest and trust at all times;


  1. The officer will be required to maintain a motor vehicle to function in a scheduled travelling post and is expected to be in the field;


  1. The officer will receive a travelling allowance in accordance with approved rates established by the Government of Saint Lucia;


  1. The officer is required to attend regular Heads of Department meetings and to report on the progress of the District;


  1. Salary will be paid in accordance with the terms stipulated by the Government in the Estimates/Collective Agreement and is liable to taxation in accordance with the Income Tax Act Chapter 15.02;


  1. Institutional support will be provided through the appropriate Civil Service and Teaching Service Regulations, Statutory Instruments and Departmental Guidelines;


  1. Vacation leave will be provided in accordance with existing rules and regulations governing the Public Service;


  1. Opportunities exist for personal development and career advancement through established orientation and in-service training (workshops, seminars, orientation courses);


  1. Housing, free medical attention and medicine will not be provided.



  1. A progressive attitude and professional demeanor;


  1. Sound decision-making skills including analytic and problem solving skills;


  1. Sound leadership, managerial and supervisory skills;


  1. Sound knowledge of the Standard Operating Procedures contained in the Ministry’s Operations Manual;


  1. Ability to develop and implement strategic plans;


  1. Ability to maintain a high standard of ethics, honesty and integrity in carrying out the goals and objectives of the Unit;


  1. Ability to effectively manage and supervise the budget and activities/programmes of the District Education Office;


  1. Ability to motivate, counsel and mentor staff;


  1. Ability to establish and maintain effective linkages with both internal and external customers;


  1. Ability to effectively communicate both orally and in writing.




Work performance will be evaluated on the basis of:


  1. Impact of training programmes designed and implemented;


  1. Effectiveness and quality of supervision and monitoring provided in the programme of instruction in schools and in the resolution of problems related to the general operation of schools;


  1. Effective demonstration of supervisory and management capabilities;


  1. Quality of assessment conducted;


  1. Timely completion and quality of reports generated;


  1. Capability to maintain appropriate linkages with internal and external customers;


  1. Proven knowledge and understanding of current job related policies, procedures, instructions and the use of relevant technology;


  1. Compliance with Departmental, Ministry’s Guidelines and Standard Operating Procedures;


  1. Effective implementation of duties, responsibilities and assignments as defined in the Job Description.



The candidates should possess at least one of the following:

  • A Master’s Degree in Educational Administration or a related field, plus a Bachelor’s Degree in Educational Administration, or related field, plus three (3) years experience in an administrative position with responsibility for the management of an Education Division, Primary or Secondary School, Planning or Curriculum;


  • A Master’s Degree in Educational Administration or a related field, plus five (5) years experience in an administrative position with responsibility for the management of an Education Division, Primary or Secondary School, Planning or Curriculum;

Plus a Trained Teachers’ Teacher.


Proficient in the use of Information Communication Technologies (ICT) integration for instructions learning.



Salary is at a rate of EC$75,761.98 per annum (Grade 17, Step 1).




Quarters, free medical attention and medicine will not be provided.  The successful applicant’s income will be liable to taxation in accordance with the Income Tax Act Chapter 15.02.

Applications MUST be accompanied by verified copies of ALL certificates and transcripts from the relevant institutions. Two confidential testimonials are required – one from the Principal of the school at which the teacher is presently employed and one from the Education Officer for the District. For applicants outside of the school system, testimonials should be from immediate supervisors.

Please note that:


  1. performance and punctuality will be used as part of the criteria for selection of persons already in the Education System;


  1. the successful applicant may be given an acting appointment for up to twelve (12) months; and


  1. applicants are required to indicate administrative positions held and experience gained.


Applications on the prescribed forms should be addressed to:


The Secretary

Teaching Service Commission

Stanislaus James Buildings

The Waterfront



Completed application forms should reach the Secretary, Teaching Service Commission by August 11, 2022.

Application Forms can be obtained from the Office of the Teaching Service Commission, Ground Floor, Sir Stanislaus James Building, The Waterfront, Castries or

Ministry: Ministries/Ministry of Public Service, Home Affairs, Labour and Gender Affairs