Designed by: Dunstan St. Omer
Saint Lucian artist Dunstan St. Omer, designer of the National Flag, has described it as follows:
- On a plain blue field, a device consisting of a white and black triangular shape, at the base of which a golden triangle occupies a central position.
- The triangles are superimposed on one another the black on the white, and the gold on the black. The black ends as a three-pointed star in the centre of the flag.
- The width of the white part of the triangle is one-and-a-half inches on both sides of the black. The distance between the peaks of the black and white triangles is four inches.
- The triangles share a common base the length of which is one-third of the full length of the flag.
Dimensions of the National Flag
The dimensions of the National Flag shall be in the following proportions: 6'x3' and 9"x4½"
Meaning of the Flag
- Cerulean Blue represents fidelity. This blue reflects our tropical sky and also our emerald surrounding waters— the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.
- Gold represents the prevailing sunshine in the Caribbean and prosperity.
- Black and white stand for the cultural influences - the white part, the white culture; the black part, the black culture -the two races living and working in unity.
- The design impresses the dominance of the Negro culture vis-à-vis that of Europe, against a background of sunshine and ever-blue sea. This is represented by the three triangles in the centre of the flag, symbolising three pitons.
- The Triangle, the shape of which is an isosceles triangle, is reminiscent of the island’s famous twin Pitons at Soufriere, rising sheer out of the sea, towards the sky -themselves, a symbol of the hope and aspirations of the people.
Code of Etiquette for the use of the National Flag of Saint Lucia
1. How to Display the Flag
i. The flag should be of regulation appearance. It should not be faded or bleached. A torn flag should be repaired before being hoisted.
ii. The flag-mast, when erected on land, should be placed right and should be in a central or conspicuous place. On buildings, however, the flag-mast may either be placed in an upright position on the roof or fixed at an angle on the front of the building or from a balcony.
iii. The flag-mast should be painted white.
iv. No other flag may be flown above the Saint Lucia flag. When several flags are flown on one halliard the Saint Lucia Flag is placed at the peak. When the flags of two or more nations are displayed together they are to be flown from separate staffs of the same height and all the flags should be, as far as possible, of the same size. The flag of one nation should not be displayed above that of another.
v. No other flag, colour, standard, ensign or other emblem should be displayed above or to the right of the National Flag i.e. the observer’s left facing it.
vi. When two flags are placed against a wall with crossed staffs, the Saint Lucia Flag should be at the right i.e. to the observer’s left facing the flags -and its staff should be in front of the staff off the other flag. When a number of flags are grouped and displayed from staffs the Saint Lucia Flag should be at the Centre and it the highest point of the group.
vii. When the National Flag is flown with other flags it should be the first to be hoisted and the last to be lowered. It should never be lowered while the other flags are flying or being hoisted.
viii. The Flag may be displayed flat above and behind the speaker in a church or in an auditorium. If on a staff, it should be at the right of the speaker as he faces the congregation of audience. Other flags should be at the speaker’s left. If the flag is displayed on a staff elsewhere than on a platform or chancel it should be at the right of the audience or congregation as they face the speaker. It should not cover a speaker’s desk or be draped in front of a platform.
ix. Except on a day of special significance the National Flag shall not be flown on a motorcar without the permission of the Minister.
x. Where the National Flag is flown on a motor car, it shall be affixed to a small staff erected on the right front fender of the motor car so that the Flag should be above the bonnet of that motor car.
xi. A citizen may fly the flag on a day of special significance provided he flies from an upright staff on or in front of his dwelling or place of business.
2. When to display the Flag
i. The National Flag ill be flown every day from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. It may be flown daily from Government buildings and schools when they are in session, and places of business.
ii. The National Flag should not be flown after 6.00 p.m. except inside a building. However, on important ceremonial occasions the flag may be flown in the open after 6.00 p.m. when it should b floodlit, if possible.
3. The Flag in a Parade
When carried with another flag the Flag of Saint Lucia should be held on the marching right or in front of the centre of the line of flags. When the Flag is passing in a parade or in a review or during the ceremony of hoisting or lowering the Flag, all persons present should face the Flag and stand at attention.
4. The Flag at Half-Staff
i. The National Flag is flown at half-staff in mourning.
ii. When flown at half-staff the Flag should first be raised to the peak and then lowered to half-staff. The flag should again be raised to the peak before it is lowered.
iii. By half-staff is meant lowering the flag by its own depth from the peak of the staff.
The decision on the occasion on which the flag should be flown at half-staff would rest with the Cabinet of Ministers.
5. Prohibited uses of the Flag
i. The flag should not be dipped to any person or thing, except in accordance with maritime practice.
ii. The Flag should never be flown with the peaks inverted except as a signal of distress.
iii. The Flag should not be displayed on a float, motorcar or other vehicle or on a boat, except from a staff or masthead.
iv. The Flag should not have placed on it or attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture drawing.
v. The Flag should never be used as a receptacle; it should not be used to cover a statue or monument.
vi. The Flag should not be used for purposes of adornment or advertising, It should not be printed on, or reproduced on, articles of clothing or furniture.
vii. The Flag when on display should not be allowed to touch anything beneath it such as furniture, floors, trees plants, vehicles, buildings, water or the earth.