IRD upgrades e-filing services
Monday, March 20, 2017
by Geraldine Bicette-Joseph, GIS
The electronic system will result in a more convenient transaction for the user.

Tax season is here. As such, Sophia Henry, the comptroller of the Inland Revenue Department (IRD), has urged the public to take advantage of the department’s e-filing services.

Ms Henry suggests that the use of the system will result in a more convenient transaction for the user, as the process is quick, easy and efficient.

“We have our online services where taxpayers can fill their return forms online and also submit these forms online. A taxpayer could fill a personal income tax return form, corporate return form, a value added tax monthly form and also the TD5. So there is not any real need to come to the department. We are really trying to reduce the need to come to the department to transact.

“We have had some challenges with the online payment feature, but we have been working with the financial institution to resolve the issue and finally we have received word that we should be able to launch the e-payment module later this month.”

Previously, the e-filing process had been hindered by the absence of the e-payment module, as taxpayers still had to frequent the IRD offices for payment transactions. This will no longer be the case. Consequently, she urged taxpayers to experience the benefits of the updated procedure.

“I want to take this oppurtunity to encourage taxpayers to register because the process is very simple,” she said.

Those who register as an e-user will receive confirmation from the IRD within eight working hours.