The workshops come on the heels of the signing of eight Collective Agreements for the triennium 2013 – 2016.
The Negotiations Unit within the Ministry of the Public Service, Information and Broadcasting, will be hosting a series of workshops under the theme “The Role of Public Officers in the Implementation of Collective Agreements.”
The workshops come on the heels of the conclusion of negotiations, and the signing of eight Collective Agreements for the triennium 2013 – 2016. The seven Public Sector Unions and Staff Associations under the umbrella of the Trade Union Federation include the Saint Lucia Teachers Union, the Saint Lucia Medical and Dental Association; the Saint Lucia Nurses Association; the Vieux Fort General and Dock Workers Union; the Saint Lucia Police Welfare Association; and the Saint Lucia Correctional Service Welfare Association.
The workshops will be held from Nov. 17 – 25, at the ministry’s training room, located on the first floor of the Sir Stanislaus James Building on the waterfront.
According to the Negotiations Unit, the objectives of the workshop are to ensure that the stakeholders to the agreements have a common understanding of the provisions, can provide clarification on matters of concerns, and can promote the implementation of the Agreements.
Dates have been allotted for the respective Unions/Associations as follows:
Vieux Fort General & Dock Workers union
November 17, 2015
Saint Lucia Correctional Welfare Association
Saint Lucia Police Welfare Association
November 18,2015
November 18, 2015
Saint Lucia Fire Service Association
November 19, 2015
Saint Lucia Nurses Association
November 23, 2015
St. Lucia Teachers Union
November 24, 2015
Saint Lucia Medical and Dental Association
November 25, 2015