Barbados hosts eighth OAS meeting of Ministers of Culture
Monday, September 23, 2019
by Ministry of Tourism

The Organization of American States (OAS) met in Barbados on Sep. 18 to 20, to deliberate on strengthening the creative economy and culture sector. The aim of discussions is to reposition the culture sector to secure sustainable development.

As part of the deliberations, the ministerial heads discussed measuring the culture sector's contribution with use of cultural data and the cultural satellite accounts; enhancing the capacity of business and enterprises in the creative economy through greater financial and technical support; and safeguarding cultural heritage by developing inter-sectoral linkages for sustainable economic growth.

The forum is timely, as Saint Lucia’s Ministry of Tourism, Information and Broadcasting, Culture and Creative Industries prepares to revise its National Cultural Policy and look into measuring the impact of tourism, culture and creative industries on the economy. The objective is to focus on the development of culture, and to use tourism as a vehicle for its promotion. In particular, the Department of Culture will move to prepare a framework for the review of the National Cultural Policy and evidenced-based reporting to capture the impact of culture and the creative industries.

Minister for Culture and Creative Industries, Sen. Hon. Fortuna Belrose, said the focus for developing Saint Lucia's culture and creative industries economy will be on information, inclusion, institution, infrastructure, industries, integration and inspiration.

“We will harness more of our cultural and creative industries sector and ensure that programs are put in place for the development of the cultural policy; additionally, we will continue to use best practices and develop exchange programs with other OAS member states.”

Saint Lucia was represented by Hon. Fortuna Belrose, Minister for Culture and Creative Industries and Ms. Donalyn Vittet, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Tourism, Information and Broadcasting, Culture and Creative Industries.