Anti Gang Act ensures safer communities
Thursday, June 12, 2014
by Claudia Monlouis
The Ministry of Home Affairs and National Security has addressed the spate of violent crime by enforcing the Anti-Gang Act, No.4 of 2014.

The Act is aimed at curbing gang activity and ensuring safe communities. It criminalizes gang-related activity, including gang membership, facilitating gang-related criminal activity, and advising and recruiting for gangs.

Indictable offenses include committing an offence at the direction of, or in association with a gang; possessing a bullet proof vest, firearm, ammunition or any equipment, instrument, material or device, whether lawfully or unlawfully obtained, with the intention to commit an offence in association with a gang; and aiding and abetting, whether directly or indirectly, any person to commit an offence identified under the Act.

The Act further stipulates that the Court may impose a more severe penalty on the convicted person, if the person was a minor at the time of the offence; if the gang-related activity occurred within one mile of a school, place of worship or health institutions; and if the person convicted was a law enforcement officer or gang leader at the time of the offence.

A person who is indicted under Section 4 is liable on conviction of indictment to a fine of $100,000.00 and imprisonment for up to 10 years.